Skin Resurfacing with Renuvion
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Lake Oswego, Portland, OR and Woodburn, OR
The J-PlasmaR is an exciting new energy device that combines cold Helium plasma with radio-frequency energy. The Helium plasma allows the radio-frequency energy to focus, hence a very precise treatment without lateral and vertical spread occurs. This is important because there is very little surrounding tissue injury.
Using this device on the skin produces a revolutionary new treatment for skin resurfacing.
Unlike CO2 resurfacing where high temperatures are produced, the J-PlasmaR temperature is much lower. The first pass removes the epidermis while tightening the skin. The second pass allows for more visible skin tightening.
The J-PlasmaR is one of the best single treatments for deep lip lines also called smoker’s lines, loose skin around the mouth, and excess skin in the eyelids and lower eyes. A single treatment can replace surgical facelifts and upper and lower eyelid surgery in some patients.
Deep lip lines can be very difficult to treat, and the only other single treatment that is as effective is a deep phenol/croton oil peel which can cause kidney toxicity.
Dyschromias or uneven coloring of the skin from sun damage can also be corrected with one treatment. The abnormal pigmentation can recur with future sun damage; hence sunblock and protection is essential in preventing recurrence
These are the Benefits of the J-PlasmaR
- Great tightening around the eyes, lips , cheeks and forehead.
- Corrects uneven pigmentation.
- Avoid multiple laser procedures.
- Can replace surgery in some patients.
How is it Performed?
J-PlasmaR can be performed with oral sedation and tumescent anesthesia. The face is infiltrated with a solution that contains lidocaine, bicarbonate and epinephrine. This allows for an almost painless procedure. Treatments last 30-45 minutes and after care instructions will be given. High quality products will also be given to help achieve optimal results.
The skin needs to re-epithelialize which usually takes 7-14 days. There can be skin peeling and redness with some swelling during this time. The skin can stay pink up to 6 weeks after the procedure. This can be covered easily with makeup.
Pain after the treatment is minimal and pain medications will be prescribed if needed.
The beauty of this revolutionary technology is that only one treatment is required to restore the skin to it’s natural, younger youthful appearance. Results are immediate and very dramatic.