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Do you not have as much control over your bladder as you used to? If you worry that a stray cough or sneeze will create an embarrassing accident, or have moments where you suddenly cannot hold your bladder, you are likely struggling with urinary incontinence.

Don’t let fear of a leak prevent you from enjoying your usual activities, like running, heavy lifting, or simply laughing at a friend’s joke. Incontinence affects both men and women, starting from age 30 and beyond. While urinary incontinence is caused by a variety of factors and life events, the main cause of bladder control issues is the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. Thankfully, many solutions are available for the majority of incontinence cases. You do not need to resign yourself to wearing adult diapers!

If you are struggling to live with incontinence in Portland, Oregon, call Aesthetic Laser Center Today. We emphasize long-term solutions and physician-lead treatment. Dr. Lopez and her helpful staff are happy to discuss the best ways for you to regain control of your bladder and pelvic muscles.

Causes of Incontinence

Incontinence occurs when we cannot hold in our bladder or bowels, which can result in leaks or a sudden, full evacuation of our systems. This inability to control when we “go” can create hygiene issues, not to mention embarrassing social situations. People experiencing incontinence may live in fear of being far from a bathroom, and may decide to live in a limited capacity in order to avoid potential embarrassment.

We control our bladder, bowel, and uterus with our diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles. A number of factors and life events can weaken or strain these muscles. Incontinence can be caused by a combination of any of the following:

  • Pregnancy and Childbirth
  • Menopause
  • Hysterectomy
  • An obstruction in the urinary tract
  • Neurological Disorder
  • Age’s toll on the muscles

The pelvic floor muscles can either weaken or become overactive, causing the muscle to fatigue. Lifestyle factors such as obesity, smoking, diabetes, and genetics can all increase someone’s likelihood of developing incontinence.

Once you have determined the degree and cause of your incontinence, you can begin the right treatment method for you. For example, your incontinence may, in fact, be temporary and caused by a UTI or constipation; it can also be an indicator of a greater health issue that you will benefit from additionally addressing.

Treatment Options

Some patients have been able to return to healthy bladder function with one of these treatment methods:

Muscle Stimulation with BTL EMSELLA

The electromagnetic muscle stimulation of a BTL Emsella treatment is a non-invasive way to restore control and strength of the pelvic floor.

A patient is required to only sit for 28 minutes, fully clothed, on a BTL Emsella chair. Electromagnetic energy is applied, safely and painlessly, to the pelvic floor muscles. The electromagnetic waves stimulate muscle contractions. The muscles contract at a far higher rate than what is achievable through exercise. By the time the Emsella session is complete, your body will have completed the equivalent of roughly 10,000 Kegels! Patients are advised to complete six treatments with BTL Emsella to achieve long-lasting results.


Some patients who are looking to solve their incontinence may turn to a prescription for a medication like oxybutynin (Ditropan XL), which is intended to calm an overactive bladder. Some women may receive an estrogen patch or vaginal cream. These are intended to strengthen the muscles around the urethra in order to improve bladder control. Medications can provide relief in some cases, but patients can also be faced with the medication’s side effects, which can include dizziness, headaches, and stomach problems.


A pessary is a cosmetic or silicone device which female patients can insert in order to support the pelvic floor. This can help prevent stress incontinence. Patients have the option of a reusable pessary, which their doctor will prescribe for them, or a disposable one sold over-the-counter.


A bulking agent, such as collagen, injected into the area around the bladder can thicken the tissue. This will help keep the bladder closed. Some patients who experience overactive incontinence get an injection of Botox, which relaxes the bladder and can increase bladder capacity.

Laser Treatment

The thermal heat energy of a laser treatment can stimulate collagen growth in the tissue around the bladder. This can thicken the tissue and improve issues with stress and overactive incontinence. However, laser energy has not proven successful for patients across the board.


Patients who are having difficulty regaining control over their incontinence may decide they need to turn to a surgical solution. One option includes the addition of a sling to support the pelvic floor. Unfortunately, surgery can result in complications and be its own source of long-lasting discomfort.

Incontinence: Who Does it Affect?

Both men and women struggle with incontinence. Unfortunately, women are twice as likely to experience incontinence in their lives than men. Changes in hormones, as well as physically-demanding experiences like childbirth, can result in weakening of the pelvic floor muscles.

Due to the variety of factors that can lead to incontinence, it can affect women at almost any point in their lives, even as early as patients’ thirties. Thankfully, these women can regain control of their bladder and pelvic floor muscles with tested, effective solutions, like the impressive non-invasive pelvic floor tightening achievable with Emsella.

Types of Incontinence

Incontinence can result from a variety of bladder-function issues. Patients most often develop one or a combination of the following bladder control problems:

Stress Incontinence

If a patient has stress incontinence, their bladder is prone to leaking when subjected to pressure. This may come from exercise, or a cough, sneeze, or laugh, for example. Causes for the pelvic floor muscles’ inability to keep the bladder closed under strain can range, from child labor to menopause-related changes to hormones.

Urge Incontinence

This type of incontinence refers to a bladder that is overactive. This may involve an urge to urinate very frequently, or a strong need to use the bathroom followed by the sudden loss of bladder control.

Overflow Incontinence

Some patients may not sense when their bladders are full, which can lead to leaks. You also may not fully empty your bladder when using the bathroom, which can cause bacterial complications later. Both men and women struggle with this type of incontinence. It is more common in men and can result from an enlarged prostate.

Benefits of BTL Emsella for Incontinence

Roughly 40% of women will experience incontinence at some point in their lives. While a variety of medical solutions for incontinence can help patients return to a level of regular function, they often come with their own complications and side effects that can further diminish a patient’s quality of life. It can take weeks of trying alternative treatment methods before you find an incontinence solution that works for you.

Patients who decide to treat their incontinence with BTL Emsella report that it:

  • Has no side effects. The only after-effect is that patients may experience mild muscle soreness in their lower abdomen for a day or two.
  • Addresses the cause of incontinence at its source. BTL Emsella combats incontinence by restoring control of the pelvic floor muscles that are responsible for bladder control. The treatment will greatly reduce or often completely alleviate a patient’s incontinence.
  • Is effective against all types of incontinence. This is one of the most universally successful sources of relief for women struggling with incontinence!
  • Is a long-term solution. Patients can regain control of their pelvic floor muscles for years to come. Patients are advised to receive an annual round of six BTL Emsella treatments to maintain their best results.

Aesthetic Laser Center is a leader when it comes to delivering long-lasting, real results with Emsella. Call our friendly staff today to schedule a consultation and learn more.

Candidates for BTL Emsella

Women who are forced to constantly worry about discomfort and embarrassment due to their unpredictable incontinence are good candidates for BTL Emsella. Thanks to its electromagnetic stimulation, BTL Emsella is capable of safely restoring control of the pelvic floor in the majority of mild to moderate incontinence cases.

BTL Emsella can resolve stress, urge, and overflow incontinence. Women of all ages are candidates for this quick, pain-free treatment.

Candidates who are experiencing severe stress incontinence will want to consult with their physician in order to determine if additional or alternative solutions are required.

Your Consultation

During your consultation, Dr. Lopez will evaluate your medical history, medication use, and overall lifestyle. Once she determines the degree of your incontinence, she will discuss your best option for reclaiming control of your bladder. Most cases of incontinence will see their best, most comfortable and immediate resolution from six treatments of BTL Emsella.

If a patient’s case is to the level that additional or alternative treatment may be required, Dr. Lopez will discuss these options with them.

Are you a resident of Oregon who is struggling with incontinence? Call Aesthetic Laser Center to schedule your complimentary consultation with the leaders in BTL Emsella and incontinence treatment.

Your Emsella Experience

Patients are able to read, watch a show, or even carry a conversation while receiving treatment.

When you arrive at Aesthetic Laser Center for your Emsella treatment, you will not need to undergo any preparation: you can step right into your quick, discreet treatment. You can sit, safely and comfortably, on the BTL Emsella “chair” in your own clothes for the 28-minute session. The chair will emit an electromagnetic field, which stimulates the muscles in your pelvic floor. The electromagnetic stimulation promotes what are called supramaximal contractions. The muscles fire at a higher rate than what is achievable through regular exercise. On average, your muscles will fire at least 10,000 times during a BTL Emsella session. While some patients say that they feel a slight tingling or the sensation of their muscles contracting, most find the treatment very comfortable. Due to the non-invasive nature of the treatment, patients do not experience pain or major discomfort.

Patients who complete six sessions of BTL Emsella are amazed by their remarkable improvement. Emsella can return the level of bladder control patients had before they developed incontinence. It is recommended that these sessions are spaced out over a three week period, with two treatments a week.

Aesthetic Laser Center: Experienced Physician Care in Oregon

If you are experiencing incontinence, you do not have to suffer in silence! Aesthetic Laser Center in Portland, Oregon is happy to answer any questions you may have. Dr. Lopez guarantees that each patient receives the best physician-lead care possible when it comes to incontinence or any life-improving procedure.

As the most experienced physicians in Northern Oregon for incontinence treatment, the team at Aesthetic Laser Center are ready to help you reclaim your day. If you want to walk confidently, instead of while scanning for the nearest bathroom call and schedule a complimentary consultation for BTL Emsella and your other incontinence-solution options today.

Aesthetic Laser Center is the #1 choice in Oregon for incontinence care. If you would like to schedule a consultation or have any questions that you would like answered, please do not hesitate to call 503-353-0888.