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What is Renuvion?

Renuvion is an innovative aesthetic device that utilizes the power of plasma energy and radiofrequency (RF) energy to rejuvenate the skin and create remarkable skin-tightening results. This revolutionary device- formerly called J-Plasma- offers patients a minimally invasive alternative to traditional tightening procedures that require larger incisions or significant downtime. 

Renuvion accomplishes this by contracting subdermal tissues just under the skin, producing smoother, more youthful-looking skin on the surface. The plasma/RF energy is only emitted at the tip of the long, thin wand of the device that is inserted just beneath the skin. Surgeons most often use Renuvion after liposuction since fat removal can cause mild skin laxity. Recently, Renuvion was approved for use on the surface of the skin as well. 

Before and After Photos

If you are interested in learning more about this cutting-edge treatment, Dr. Quita Lopez at Aesthetic Laser Center can thoroughly evaluate whether or not Renuvion is right for you. As a double-board-certified cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Lopez stays up-to-date on the latest and safest cosmetic techniques, providing quality care for every one of her patients. To get started today, contact her practice near Portland, OR at (503) 567-8056 or reach out with any questions regarding the procedure through her contact form

How Does Renuvion Work? 

In 2022, Renuvion gained FDA clearance for the treatment of moderate to severe wrinkles, and in April of 2023, it gained clearance for the purpose of skin firming after liposuction. As one of the most recent advancements in the world of skin resurfacing, it’s important to understand its main features: plasma and radiofrequency energy. 

When enough energy is applied to a gas, it becomes plasma- the fourth state of matter. Unlike gas, plasma particles are charged and create an electromagnetic field around them. Renuvion has helium plasma particles that heat up to 185 degrees Fahrenheit for a fraction of a second, causing collagen contraction. As the heat travels through the skin to the surface, it rapidly cools to a safe temperature. Radiofrequency energy is a type of electrical energy that serves to power the plasma-charging electrode in the device. (1)

Benefits of Renuvion 

Renuvion offers a wide range of benefits that make it much more powerful and effective than surface-level treatments: 

  • Renuvion’s dermal handpiece is specially designed for the elimination of wrinkles, while the APR handpiece– with 3 variations- treats skin laxity at its root source beneath the skin. 
  • The plasma from Renuvion provides immediate skin retraction while also provoking long-term collagen production
  • The APR wand only has a 3 mm diameter, so Dr. Lopez only needs to make a very small incision to insert the device. 
  • The design of the wand itself eliminates the risk of thermal burns of the dermis. (2)
  • It can treat the lower face, neck, and almost any area of the body. 
  • Dr. Lopez only needs to administer local anesthetic with IV or oral sedation for this procedure- effectively avoiding the risks of general anesthesia. 
  • If preferred, you can opt for general anesthesia where you will be completely asleep for the entire procedure. 
  • It only requires 2 to 3 days of downtime if you don’t get liposuction as well. 
  • It can gradually improve liposuction results, highlighting more attractive contours. 
  • Patients will get significant results after just 1 treatment session

Candidates for Renuvion

Renuvion is suitable for nearly everyone with mild skin laxity or more severe facial wrinkles. Dr. Lopez will evaluate your treatment area and suggest Renuvion or another procedure that can help you get the results you are looking for. The best candidate is someone who doesn’t smoke, is in good health overall, and is close to their ideal weight. While it can turn back the clock on certain signs of aging, people with a lot of excess skin or fat will likely require more comprehensive procedures like a facelift or tummy tuck.

Candidates for Dermal Renuvion 

Renuvion’s APR wand can treat all skin types since it contracts collagen under the skin, but the dermal handpiece is only FDA-cleared for people with lighter skin tones. Skin color is categorized with the Fitzpatrick Scale, a method of determining skin type based on its ability to tan and its color. While skin type can range from type I to type VI, this treatment is only appropriate for those with type I, II, and III. In other words, it is safe for those with very pale to light olive skin. The plasma energy from the dermal wand can cause hyperpigmentation (unwanted darkening of the skin) or hypopigmentation (the development of light spots) in people with darker skin. 

Personal Consultation

When you book a consultation with Dr. Lopez, you can expect to get quality, honest care that addresses each of your cosmetic concerns. She will assess your medical history, your skin quality, and the size of your treatment area. She will also discuss the possibility of liposuction if you are open to the benefits it can offer. During this first meeting, she will outline exactly how the procedure will go and what to expect during the healing process. If you have any remaining questions, Dr. Lopez will gladly answer them. If you feel ready to take the next step toward increased body confidence and/or revitalized skin, call (503) 567-8056 to get in contact with her office in Portland, OR, or schedule your consultation online

Procedure Steps 

Renuvion Dermal 

For a dermal resurfacing procedure, Dr. Lopez will administer a local anesthetic to the treatment area to eliminate any possible discomfort. If you are nervous about the procedure, you can choose to get oral sedation to calm you. Renuvion emits plasma in one continuous pulse, so she will move the handpiece around the area in long lines, leaving behind visible trails of dead skin cells. Once she is done, she will wipe away these skin cells to reveal new, fresh skin underneath. For skin resurfacing purposes, the procedure only takes a few minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated. 

Renuvion ARP 

For subdermal treatment, Dr. Lopez will first administer oral or IV sedation before applying local anesthesia to the areas with lax skin. She will make a small incision just large enough for the 3 mm diameter of the ARP wand. After inserting the long wand, she will apply the plasma in gentle back-and-forth motions. On average, the procedure takes about 1 hour. Once she completes it, your sedation will wear off, and Dr. Lopez will monitor you until you are ready for someone to take you home. 

What Can I Expect During Recovery? 

Though you may have some mild bruising or swelling, you will likely be able to return to work after just 2 to 3 days. If you undergo the Renuvion treatment after liposuction, you will have to take 7 to 10 days of downtime. After about 2 weeks have passed, Dr. Lopez will evaluate whether or not it is safe for you to resume your regular gym workouts. Still, you will have to wear a compression garment for a total of 4 to 6 weeks to minimize fluid buildup in the treatment area. This garment will also promote more skin tightness as collagen production continues subdermally. Though you will notice results immediately after your procedure, it will likely take a few months for the final results to settle in; significant collagen production takes time. 

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures 


Renuvion creates incredible results when paired with liposuction, a procedure in which Dr. Lopez will remove fat deposits through suction. For tumescent liposuction, the worldwide standard, Dr. Lopez will inject tumescent fluid into the treatment area. This solution effectively shrinks blood vessels to prevent bleeding, numbs the tissues, and engorges fat cells to prepare them for removal. Through an incision of only a few millimeters, she will then insert a thin cannula that will strategically suction fat away permanently. Once she finishes sculpting, the incision/s are closed. If you choose to get a Renuvion treatment alongside liposuction, she will use the same incisions to treat the same subcutaneous layer. 

VASER Liposuction 

VASER liposuction utilizes the same treatment methods as tumescent liposuction, but there is an extra step. Before fat removal, Dr. Lopez will insert a VASER probe that emits ultrasound energy that targets and emulsifies the fat, causing less damage to connective tissues within the fat layer. Patients can expect to recover in less time and have less bruising with this liposuction technique. (3) VASER can also grant Dr. Lopez the ability to precisely sculpt fat in such a way that highlights muscle tone. This high-frequency energy also promotes mild skin-tightening benefits which can further enhance results when combined with Renuvion. 

Cost of Renuvion in Portland, OR 

The cost of your Renuvion treatment will depend on anesthesia fees, the size of your treatment area, follow-up appointments, medications, and whether or not liposuction is included as well. During your first meeting with Dr. Lopez, she will give you an accurate price estimate for your treatment. At Aesthetic Laser Center, we strive to be as accommodating to as many patients as possible, which is why we offer financing options to those who are interested in making several payments to cover the cost. If you would like to explore more of our procedure options, please visit our blog. If you have any questions or would like to contact Dr. Lopez for a consultation, dial (503) 567-8056 or inquire using our online form. We look forward to helping you achieve remarkable results with the exceptional care offered at Aesthetic Laser Center.


Is Renuvion painful? 

Before a Renuvion (or J-Plasma) procedure, your surgeon will give you local anesthetic and/or sedation or place you under general anesthesia, so you won’t feel any heat or pain. During recovery, you will likely be sore and tender, but it will gradually subside within a few days. 

How long will the results of Renuvion last? 

Renuvion promotes long-lasting results that last several years, but doctors aren’t able to determine exactly how long they will last. Factors such as genetics, age, and sun exposure can cause skin changes over time. 

What parts of the body can Renuvion treat? 

Renuvion can treat any part of the body where liposuction can be performed. Many patients choose this procedure to treat laxity in the lower half of the face and neck. 


  1. Ruff PG, Gaurav Bharti, Hunstad JP, et al. Safety and Efficacy of Renuvion Helium Plasma to Improve the Appearance of Loose Skin in the Neck and Submental Region. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 2023;43(10):1174-1188. doi: 
  2. Gentile RD. Renuvion RF-Helium Plasma for Subdermal Skin Tightening, Facial Contouring and Skin Rejuvenation of the Face and Neck. Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine. Published online May 5, 2020. doi: 
  3. Ruff PG, Garcia O, Nykiel M, Galanis CJ. Consensus-based Recommendations for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance Ultrasound-assisted Liposuction. Plastic and reconstructive surgery Global open. 2023;11(7):e5110-e5110. doi: